Thursday 3 November 2011

Week 2 Tasks

The Flowgraph

The flowgraph above displays the distance of the player and the graph entity over a period of 2 seconds. Tof this he information is also recorded into a new XML file.

In relation to my chosen pachube feed, one method of using this new knowledge I have learnt is to light up an object in relation to the distance of the player and the entity. This creates the idea of some sort of safety item that guides players to it by illuminating brighter when they are further away, and dim down when they are close enough to see it.


A handful of useful tricks that help with creating flowgraphs

Vinh Nguyen's blog contains several video tutorials/examples that I found helpful. Notably, the "Average Velocity from Local Player" example and his video on reading XML files in Sandbox 2.

Russell Lowe's youtube channel includes many fundamental video tutorials such as changing material parameters and importing sketchup models that I have used in the past, and may find use for in this experiment.

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